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Advantage Partnership Lawyers, a law firm located in the heart of Sydney CBD, assists clients throughout Australia, New Zealand and Japan with their legal issues.
Advantage Partnership Lawyers prides itself on its cross cultural skill and knowledge of international law.
Advantage Partnership Lawyers prides itself on its cross cultural skill and knowledge of international law.
The law firm specialises in managing and assisting Japanese corporate clients and companies, and maintains a unique and competitive edge. The job of a lawyer is not just to win cases - it's ensuring the client's needs are completely satisfied. Our staff has the ability to interpret and translate international laws, while understanding and maintaining cultural relevance.
Hofstede's cultural dimensions can help us understand the differences between Japanese and Australian culture. These differences are summarised below:
Japan scores high on collectivism where Australia is among the most individualistic cultures. For Japanese culture, this means there is a partiality towards the common good. In contrast, Australians expect to choose their own affiliations and pursue their own goals.
Power distance refers to the extent to which a society accepts a hierarchical order and how power within an organisation is distributed. Japanese culture accepts a large power distance where in Australia it is relatively low.
Japanese culture ranks amongst the highest in this category. The Japanese maintain rigid codes of belief and tend to remain longer with their present employer. Conversely, Australians maintain a more relaxed atmosphere in both their professional and personal lives.
Japan is considered by Hofstede to be the most masculine culture. Masculinity refers to a preference for 'achievement, heroism, assertiveness, and material success'. On the other hand, Australia is considered to be more feminine with a preference for relationships, modesty and quality of life.
The difference between Australian and Japanese culture are significant. These differences have an important impact on the way business is conducted internationally. At Advantage Partnership, our experience with Japanese culture is unsurpassed, providing our clients with the satisfaction they deserve.
Our team has hands-on experience providing advice to many major public and private Japanese corporations. Our approach is team-oriented and outcome driven.
Contact Information
428 George St Sydney
New South Wales 2000
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation